For Investors


Why CrowdRating?

Learn why we’re here and how we can benefit you.

Using Our Ratings

What goes in to making a rating and what does it mean?

Improving Our Ratings

How we are continually raising the bar on behalf of investors.

Equity Investing

Important concepts you need to understand if you’re making equity investments.


Investing can be a risky business – learn about the dangers and some good practice tips.

Tax Breaks

The basics of SEIS and EIS tax rules.


Read what other investors have to say about our service.

Useful Resources

A collection of our favourite books, websites and tools.


Explanations of the terminology you will come across in the investing world.


Answers to some frequently asked questions


Your capital is at risk when you invest in shares and debt securities. You can lose some or all of your money and may not be able to realise your investment. Therefore you should should never invest more than you can afford to lose. If in doubt about the suitability or tax implications of any investment, please seek independent financial advice. 

Information published on this website and any other reports or ratings published on or by Wheatfromchaff Limited (trading as Wheatfromchaff) have been prepared by us in the United Kingdom for information purposes only. Wheatfromchaff Ltd is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN: 751017. 

No content on this website or on any reports or ratings published on this website nor any copy of it, nor any other reports or copies of them published on may be reproduced, redistributed or copied in whole or in part for any purpose. Any and all reports have been approved by, and are being distributed in the UK and the European Union (EU) only and are not to be distributed in any other jurisdictions where their distribution may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this or any other reports come should inform themselves about and observe such restrictions.

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Wheatfromchaff does not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss however so arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of this report nor its contents. Investors may receive back less that they invested as investments may fall as well as rise in value. Investors should obtain independent advice based on their own circumstances before making investment decisions. By accepting this report you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations.

The Ratings we publish have been approved and issued at Financial Promotions in the United Kingdom by Wheatfromchaff in the United Kingdom who is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN: 751017. Wheatfromchaff Limited registered office is The Townhouse, 114-116 Fore Street, Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG14 1AJ and telephone number +44 (0)203 962 0821. Telephone calls may be recorded. VAT No: 214 0196 49

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